I'm very happy to announce that castroller.com, a popular netcasts directory, has made it easier then ever to subscribe to netcasts via Rss Player.
They have included a subscribe link that opens Rss Player on your device and imports automatically. You can search castroller.com and import individual casts or you can setup an account using your computer and then import your entire netcast list with 1 click of a button.
To get started, go to www.castroller.com on your iPhone or Touch.
This is also a great way to backup your netcast list just in case your iPhone has to be restored.
Thanks to Will from castroller.com for making this possible.
If you are a netcast owner and want to add a subscribe using Rss Player link, check out this post. It gives very easy to follow instructions and a button image.
It would be nice if he built an iPhone formatted version. It's not the easiest site to navigate on the iPhone screen.
ReplyDeleteA bit cumbersome but still easier then typing in a url.
ReplyDeleteI subscribe to 23 podcasts. I set up a castroller account. It appears that in order to make this work I have to import the OPML file with all of my podcasts into castroller, then go the castroller.com site in my iPhone, log in and then scroll around so I can add a single podcast to RSS player. When I click the button, I leave Safari for RSS Player which then adds the podcast feed.
All of this works but I cannot see how this is possibly better than just setting up an OPML file, setting up a TinyURL for that file's URL and adding that one file. At least that way, I simple edit one text file via OPML and then push refresh in RSS player.
Is there some way I can add ALL of my podcasts to RSS Player from castroller by clicking one button in cast roller? Otherwise, this strikes me as largely a huge pain in the neck for anyone who listens to more than a couple of podcasts.
I am hoping I am missing something here but unless castroller provides a better interface for the iphone and a way for new users to get all of their podcasts into RSS player as a batch, I can't see how this or any of the integrations you are going with pod catcher sites is going to be any more user friendly than learning how to import feeds into RSS player using OPML files.