I have submitted 1.2 to the apps store and it will be out soon. We worked really hard to add features to this app and we are happy with where we stand. I'll give a brief explanation with each screenshot.
We brought back the Podcaster default image.

Adding feeds has never been easier with our build in search. You can still import using a url.

The My Favs tab has been improved to include multiple edit mode.

You can now rearrange, unsubscribe, mark all played and refresh just a portion of your feeds from here.

The download tab has been renamed to Queue. The function of this view is to show items that are waiting to be downloaded or are currently being downloaded. You can rearrange the items here. This is also the place you come when you want to sync your feeds (automatically download and delete items based on the sync settings)

After downloads are complete, you go to the Agenda tab. Here you can filter for all, unheard or saved casts. You can also reverse the order so you can listen from old to new. Gray background indicates a downloaded item.

This is our details view. Audio feeds will remember the play position and resume after app restarts.

And finally, this is the options tab. Here you can control how casts are downloaded and deleted when you press sync.

We are huge netcast fans so we need a lot of control and flexibility. We built an app that is meant for heavy netcast users but if simple enough for everyone. Other app might pretend to play netcast but Rss Player is the only app in the app store that does is designed for serious netcast listeners. Available soon in the app store.
UPDATE: Someone asked how to control the volume in the comments, Just touch the volume icon to make the volume controller popup. look here