Wednesday, February 4, 2009

RssPlayer version 1.1.2 accepted to iPhone App Store

Today, the first update for RssPlayer has made it into the app store. This update adds a lot of new functionality, interface changes and background improvements.

  • Swipe to Delete (unsubscribe) on My Favs View

  • Swipe to Delete downloads on download view

  • Swipe to mark as played on the New view

  • Added url schema rssplayer://[netcastfeedurl]

    When a link like this is clickedin safari, RssPlayer opens and imports the feed url.Can also be opml url. You can even email yourself the link and open it from mail.

  • Changed the crawler to crawl up to 250 items on first crawl

  • take automatic pausing off when app goes offline

  • Changed the way My Favs displays refreshing feeds status

  • autoplay

  • sync settings

  • song tracking (only downloaded items for now)

  • Show notes are now viewed inside a browser. An address bar is present so you can navigate to any website

  • Revised icon to make it good.

  • BUG FIXED: Did not allow downloaded audio to play when offline.

  • BUG FIX: went to sleep after first download was complete. Now, stays awake during all downloads

  • BUG FIX: Not resuming Now Playing item correctly fixed

I hope that I have addressed most of the concerns users have expressed in the reviews of the app store and I would appreciate a revisit.

The next feature I am going to include will be Playlist and better management of My Favs


  1. Great news. This app has huge potential. Thanks.

  2. Great update. Definitely not syncing everyday for podcasts anymore. Thats extra sleep for me!

  3. Not synching wiith iTunes as often here either.

    Looking forward to the playlist functionality.

  4. Should I be able to get the new version from the store right now, and should it show up as an update to the one I downloaded monday?
