Tuesday, October 13, 2009

RSSPlayer 2.0 has been submitted

Yes, the time is now! RSSPlayer 2.0 has been submitted, and now must go through the lengthy Apple approval process. I have to say, I am quite excited about this new version. As you may remember, I wrote a post a few weeks ago about the new and much improved search. If not, here are some highlights. There are now seven different ways to subscribe to podcasts.
  • Search by Title
  • Providers
  • Most Popular
  • Top Rated
  • Recently Added
  • Suggested
  • Import by Url
When searching for podcasts, tap the title that interests you. Then simply tap "Subscribe",
which is located in the top right corner, your podcast is added to the favorites and starts to download immediately. Subscribing to a podcast has never been easier. Already subscribed to podcasts via ITunes? No problem, just enter your opml url and have your podcasts imported into RSSPlayer.

And now, for some really great news! RSSPlayer now has push notification. No more waiting for that new podcast, with a gentle tone, you are alerted as the podcast is posted. (Pretty cool, huh?) Users are limited to 5 push notifications. There is an in app purchase option to purchase more push alerts for an additional $0.99 per 10 downloads. Great for those with large collection.

The application will be priced at $0.99, and is truely a must have. Keep an eye out for the update, and if you have not had the opportunity to purchase RSSPlayer, DO IT!! Trust me you will be happy you did.

One more thing I would like to mention, our sister application, Audiobook Player now has a FREE version in the app store. Great app for the audiobook lover. Try it! Afterall, it is free.


  1. So this won't be free for RSSPlayer 1.0 owners?

  2. RSSPlayer 2.0 is an update. Current owners of the application will not have to pay again. You are alotted 5 push notifications. If additional push is needed there will be an in app option to purchase more at 0.99 per 10 downloads.

  3. Will this work with OS ver 3.0.X or require 3.1?

  4. Daft question time:
    Does "5 push notifications" mean "notifications on 5 podcast feeds"?
    Or 5 actual notifications?
    Hopefully not the latter.

  5. :-) It will notify you about 5 podcast feeds.

  6. I like to call them podcast alert slots.

  7. and we have to pay for these alert slots becuase you have to run a server on your end to get them from provider>your server>apple>my ipod. Am I right?
    Also are you going to emaulate the ipod interface? please don't because everyone else that has tried it has made it tacky and janky and weird. If you absolutely have to could you please include an interface switcher option.
    I bought the app when it was 2.99 and I'm happy I did becuase I hate the thrown together itunes way of doing it.

  8. Podcast alert slots?

    I'll buy extra of those! I was hoping that's what the words meant but I wasn't sure either.

    (FWIW, I paid £1.15 rather than the £0.59 but it's been well worth it)

  9. I'd just like to say, thanks for the commitment to the app. It's a good product, and the new features sound cool :)

  10. I keep getting an error when trying to install. "The Application "RSS Player" was not installed on the iPhone because of an unknown error occurred (0xE8008001)

  11. I also keep getting the same error - pls help!!!

  12. I also get the same error, despite deleting old RSS Player, rebooting, everything.


  13. Same error too. After a clean install / reboot. :(

  14. same error for me. any ideas?

  15. We are aware of this error, and working as quickly as possible to get this resolved with Apple.

  16. Argh! I am podcastless, as, when the update didn't work, I deleted it and tried a fresh install. Ohnoe!

  17. Another day without my rss player - argh - can you please at least help us get the last working version back?

  18. I just deleted it to do a fresh install after all my podcasts disappered and now its not in the app store????

  19. Even if it's not on the iTunes store, should it not be in iTunes on your desktop? (assuming you sync with a desktop somewhere)
